A man of impeccable character, he became one of the most respected soldiers and men in America – even in defeat. Robert E. Lee was one of the most truly remarkable men in our nation's history. The author writes, "I searched diligently for a flaw in Lee's character. There was none." What was this general's secret? He was a Christ-bearer. His secret was that he found the source of his strength and commitment in Christ.On the coming of the Civil War:"I fear it is now out of the power of man and in God alone must be our trust. No act could give me so much pleasure as to restore peace to my country. God is our refuge and our strength. Let us humble ourselves before Him. Let us confess our sins and beseech Him to give a higher courage, a purer patriotism and a more determined will; that He will convert the hearts of our enemies; that He will hasten the time when war, with its sorrows and sufferings shall cease, and that He will give us a name and place among the nations of the earth."On the Bible:"There are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible Word of God and receive its teaching as inspired by the Holy Spirit."On his faith in God:"I believe a kind God has ordered all things for our good. My reliance is in the help of God. At present I am not concerned with results. God's will ought to be our aim, and I am contented that His designs should be accomplished and not mine. We must suffer patiently to the end, when all things will be made right. I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation."
The Sowers Series Biographies offer children a chance to experience the Christ-inspired pathways followed by some heroic men and women. Their impact on our lives as well as a great deal of factual information is skillfully presented to the child within the framework of an interest-holding story.
ROBERT E. LEE by Lee Roddy
SKU: 0880621877
ISBN-10: 0880621877
ISBN-13: 9780880621878
Format: Audio Book
Author: Lee Roddy
Age: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, adultGrade: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
Topic: Biography, Reading, History, Civil War