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This giant in the field of astronomy considered his studies to be a way of looking into God's creation.
Personal Creed:
I believe . . . that the World of Nature, the World of Man, the World of God - all three fit together. We see how God, like a human architect approached the founding of the world according to order and rule and measured everything in such a manner.
I believe . . . that together with the Holy Scriptures came the book of Nature. Should the kind Creator who brought forth nature out of nothing deprive the spirit of man . . . of every heavenly delight. I had the intention of becoming a theologian . . . but now I see how God is, by my endeavors, also glorified in astronomy for the heavens declare the glory of God.
I believe . . . that our Creator has given us a spirit in addition to the senses, for another reason than merely to provide living for ourselves . . . Man's soul is something quite different from the others part of man, and the soul is kept alive, enriched and grows by that food called knowledge. I am eager to publish my observations in God's honor who wishes to be recognized from the book of Nature. I am a Christian.
I believe . . . only and alone in the service of Jesus Christ . . . in Him is all refuge and solace.


The Sowers Series Biographies offer children a chance to experience the Christ-inspired pathways followed by some heroic men and women. Their impact on our lives as well as a great deal of factual information is skillfully presented to the child within the framework of an interest-holding story. Over the years, the Sowers Series books have established their appeal with a wide range of readers. Parents write in to say how much they enjoyed the books while reading them to their children. Children seek out additional titles in this series once they have read their first “Sowers” book.


JOHANNES KEPLER by John Hudson Tiner

SKU: 091513411X
  • ISBN-10: 0-915134-11-X

    ISBN-13: 978-0-915134-11-3
    Format: Paperback

    Pages: 202
    Author: John Hudson Tiner

    Age: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

    Grade: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
    Topic: Biography, Science

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